Practice Research Arts Cluster (PRAC)
PRAC is an interdisciplinary creative group dedicated to generating new knowledge through practical interrogation and innovation. It promotes collaboration and scholarly exploration, fostering the exchange of ideas across diverse creative fields and encouraging transdisciplinary thinking within the broader College community. PRAC recognises the radical and transformative potential of arts practice research, which employs creative methods to explore and understand the world. Such approaches combine aesthetic and theoretical responses, emphasising the importance of sensory and emotional engagement in the research process. The cluster's mission extends to addressing real-world issues by leveraging local resources to tackle global questions, showcasing how art can shed light on the multifaceted nature of human experience with tangible societal impact. PRAC also acknowledges the challenges associated with arts- based research, including pedagogical, political, and epistemological considerations. It places a strong emphasis on critical assessment of affective aspects, strategies for peer review, and ethical considerations that align with the unique power and intentions of the arts. Moreover, PRAC serves as a central hub for researchers interested in developing grant proposals for projects that result in innovative, unconventional, scholarly, or community- oriented research outputs.
Wilder Doddington - The Archive of Eco-Recovery, Fossey + Bell

Responding to people in danger. A development and feasibility study to co-develop a community pharmacy response service for domestic abuse and suicidal ideation.

Public Project - Participatory Arts

Bell, C. Alice (2022) 'A New Framework for Enabling Deep Relational Encounter through Participatory Practice-based Research' in Vear, C. The Routledge International Handbook of Practice-Based Research. London: Routledge, pp. 607 - 613
Tuppen-Corps, A. and Del Negro, G. (2019) 'Tales of Transformational Encounter in Digital Arts Practice: Co- forming Connective Togetherness through Techno-Sensual Acts of Love' in Garriono, L. and Bruschi, B. Togetherness and its Discontents: Connectivity (as well as belonging, cooperation, conflict, and separation) in biographical narratives of adult education and learning. Lecce Italy: Pensa MultiMedia, pp. 445 - 473
Tuppen-Corps, A. (2019) 'Germs Journey Video Resource', in Crosby, S., Younie, S. and Laird, K. Germ’s Journey Mini Brum Exhibition, De Montfort University and Think Tank Birmingham Science Museum, UK.
Everitt, D., Raczinski, F. (2018). Personal Space [dynamic projection]. In: Tuppen-Corps, Alice, 27 April - 12 May 2018. Transformational Encounters: Touch, Traction, Transform [exhibition]. At: Leicester, The Gallery, De Montfort University Available at: https://daveeveritt.github.io/space-weather-words/
Tuppen-Corps, A. (2018). Transformational Encounters: Touch, Traction, Transform (TETTT) [exhibition]. At: Leicester, The Gallery, De Montfort University. Transformation Encounters: Touch, Traction, Transform (TETTT). Available at: https://www.alicecharlottebell.com/newtransformational-encounters and http://thegallery.dmu.ac.uk/exhibitions/past-exhibitions/.
Everitt, D., Raczinski, F. Tuppen-Corps, A, (2018). Personal Space [dynamic projection] one exhibit from TETTT exhibited in INTERACT'18 EXHIBITION, LCB Depot, (2018) Available at: http://interactdigitalarts.uk/blogitem/124514
Tuppen, A. (2016) 'Wherever I Lay my Hat that’s my Home' in Misplaced Women? an ongoing art project by Ostojic, T. at Live Art Development Agency (LADA) Available at: [https://misplacedwomen.wordpress.com/2017/03/13/alice-tuppen-corps-unpacked-her-suitcase-on-december-14-2016-and-created-the-wherever-i-lay-my-hat-thats-my-home-performance-in-hackney-wick- london/]
Solomon, J. and Taylor, S. (2015) Our lives, our community: The voice of the public on domestic abuse and child safeguarding concerns. International Conference of Primary Care & Public Health, Imperial College London developed into: Solomon, J. and Tuppen, A. (2018) “Is it ok?” A Public Health Intervention on Thresholds of Concern in Child and Domestic Abuse using Digital Performance.”
Tuppen-Corps, A, C. (2016) (2016) ‘Point.forty dialogic artwork: An exploration of the personal (and collective) impact of augmented storytelling', in: Ed. Formenti, L. & West., L. Stories that make a Difference: Exploring the collective, social, and political potential of narratives in adult education. Italy: Pensa Multimedia. pp. 108 - 115
Tuppen, A. (2014) Point.forty Interactive Exhibition, Phoenix Cube Digital Arts Gallery. Institute for Creative Technologies Research Group. Available at: https://www.alicetuppencorps.com/point-forty Citation: http://www.seanclark.me.uk/phoenix and at Leicester Media School Launch, (2014) and University of Bicocca, Milan, (2016)
Tuppen, A. (2012) Blood Light Solo 30min intermedial multimedia performance, De Montfort University
//Recent citations of quality//
Freeman, J. (2010). Problems & Provocations around Performance, P-a-R & the PhD (cited alongside Dixon, Edmonds, and Candy) Available at: https://antropologiaeteatro.unibo.it/article/download/8556/8330
Candy, L, Edmonds, E, Poltronieri, F. (2018) Explorations in Art and Technology, Chapter: The Artist as Digital Explorer, alongside Stelarc and others. Available at: https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9781447173663?fbclid=IwAR1-HQ4p9kFjrV25xLyi2QCuYV4re_wE29GBx2g6G6KWyYko-CHynfiDaq4